Max Brenner

When a certain family member comes home from up north, there’s always a ‘hit list’ of where we’ll eat, the must have dishes which have been sorely missed since the last visit, his own special culinary GC ‘bucket list’.

Invariably, the bald guy is on the list: Max Brenner’s. It can be late at night after a skimpy meal, on a rainy afternoon or, let’s face it, just any old time when the fancy hits.

I’m talking serious obsession…chocolate!

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Since Max Brenner opened on the Gold Coast, we now have a couple of options of a place to go for a hot chocolate (Surfers Paradise, Southport or Robina), or come to think of it, for a chocolate fix of any sort! Yes, we’ve tried the competition, but nothing quite measures up.

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Arm twisted behind my back, just inside the door are two huge vats, arms slowly waving to me through brown and white: chocolate waiting just for me. The décor of autumn colours, chocolate and caramel with infusions of colour, set off the boxed treats that line the walls, but our eyes lead us back to the menu of drinks and ‘sweet icons’. Oh, such temptation!

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In our past lives, overcome by lust, we’ve attempted the ‘death by chocolate’ two or three course indulgence: hot chocolate, Belgian waffles drizzled with chocolate with strawberries and a scoop of ice cream on top, as well as a chocolate brownie, between at least two of us, of course! Once we even did the chocolate fondue with fruit and marshmallows to dip. That was on a particularly cold day!

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But not anymore! I’ve made myself a promise, faced up to my addiction, done the ten steps (exercise from the car park, I mean), and am now satisfied (or at least I will feel less guilty) to settle on the hug mug…occasionally…when pushed… This classic hot chocolate (in white, milk or dark) is just enough to satisfy my sweet urge, the first smooth as silk milky chocolate taste lingering still on the palate…for now…until the lust strikes again!

Chevron Renaissance Shopping Centre, 3240 Surfers Paradise Blvd., Surfers Paradise Ph: 07 5538 3846 Open 9am – 10.30/11.30pm

Australia Fair, Scarborough St., Southport


Open 9am – 10.30/11.30pm
3240 Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise QLD, Australia