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“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” – Brene Brown The Gold Coast continues its fascination with Modern Asian food, especially inventive fusion dishes that are robust...
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If you have something that is yours and only yours, something to be proud of that nobody else has, wouldn’t you celebrate it? We’re talking Australian botanicals, the flora...
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HOTA Gallery’s Executive Chef Dayan Hartill-Law is, in many ways, a Renaissance man. Chef, culinary artist, mentor and advocate, his artistic flair and food philosophy are a huge influence...
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J’s Brunchette opened in May 2024, a welcome addition to the Mermaid Beach dining scene. It brings us something very different: a garden café just a five-minute walk from...
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Take two friends, a new concept and lots of humour, and you get Crispy Italian Bar, a tiny Italian restaurant, cafe and bar that emulates the traditional ‘Bar Italiano’...
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While café culture is a strong point in the Gold Coast’s culinary scene, a completely new concept store is a breath of fresh air. All it took was one...
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‘Eat it. Feel it. Love it.’ When it comes to passion, nowhere is it more evident than at Freghete. Freghete exists because of passion, following a couple’s desire to...
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“Food is not just fuel. Food is about family, food is about community, food is about identity. And we nourish all those things when we eat well.” – Michael...
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Farm came to Coast when the Hentley Farm Wine Dinner was held recently at Coast Beach Bar and Kitchen. Coast Beach Bar and Kitchen enjoys an elevated position overlooking...
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When ‘Cafe of the Year’ award-winning Mornington restaurateurs set up shop on the Gold Coast, we’re really curious about what they will bring to our dining scene. And in...